Orrell & District Quiz League


Week 2 - 14 April 2015

Q No Question Given Answer Notes
R4 Q3 Who is the patron saint for soldiers? Joan of Arc In a repeated error, while St Joan of Arc does have this responsibility, so do many other saints, including but not necessarily only, St Sebastian, St George, Michael the Archangel, St Adrian of Nicodemia, St Elegius and St Martin of Tours. Any of these answers should have been acceptable.
R4 Q8 In which Parisian square is the Arc de Triomphe? Etoile Place de l'Étoile was renamed to Place Charles de Gaule in 1970.
R5 Q8 Which town in the North West of England was known to the Romans as Luguvalum? Carlisle Carlisle is a city, not a town.
R8 Q7 Who is the patron saint of music? St Cecilia Another repeated error. As well as St Cecelia, St Gregory the Great and St Paul are regarded as patron saints of music and musicians.
